Minnesota Coalition for Death Education and Support


Dorothy Geis Scholarship Fund

The Dorothy Geis Scholarship provides small scholarships to individuals who wish to attend MCDES conferences but who are unable to afford the entire fee (e.g., student, low-income, disability). Discounted Registration for Students Available. Scholarship recipients also receive a one year membership to MCDES which includes an email subscription to the quarterly newsletter, a MCDES Directory, and discounts on future conferences.

Applicants should:

  1. Send an email to Ed Holland at requesting to be considered for a "scholarship" (a discounted registration fee). In one page or less, please tell us about yourself, your educational and work backgrounds, why you'd like to attend the conference, and your need for a "scholarship". Include your name, email, address, and phone number.
  1. Send your request no later than 10 days before the event.

Scholarships will be considered and awarded in the order in which they are received. You will be notified by email as soon as a decision is made.


P.O. Box 50651 · Minneapolis, MN 55405 · 763-391-3051